
新竹縣關西鎮竹18線上的雲海休閒農園民宿,擁有近八公頃的茶園及二十幾年的製茶經驗,在各種比賽中 經常得奬。農園佔地約二公頃,環境清幽,綠樹成蔭,並種植多種奇特的水果及成功復育獨角仙,提供昆蟲、果樹的自然生態以及各種古農具等的導覽解說。是休閒 渡假、戶外教學的優質場所。



Situated in Guanxi, Hsinchu County, Cloud and Sea Leisure Farm has more than two decades of experience in tea production. It has a tea garden and farm that covers an area of eight hectares and two hectares respectively. The farm is also an ideal place for eco-tours. Cloud Sea Leisure Farm provides lodging, catering, fruit picking and other services and features a wide range of agricultural products for sale.

【Opening Hours】
8:00 AM ~ 8:00 PM
Check-in time: 3:00 PM
Check-out time: 11:00 AM